0 產值提升(萬) •年增益產值達【300W】•解決廠房空間不足問題•可提高【50%】以上產能 0 結構優化(項) •多達【36項】結構優化•以高速平穩耐久為設計核心•同時提升產品良率及壽命 0 維修頻度(項) •多達【24項】降維修頻率設計•支援IOT智慧遠端維護•多項自動校調及免保養設計 0 操作便捷(項) •多達【16項】操作便捷設計•大幅縮短師父學習曲線時程•增加生產效率及減少前置工時 0 工作物(項) •薄紙⼁吹風、尾紙吸風、牙排•煙盒⼁凸輪軸、裁切行程 •吊牌⼁C部中心定位 0 Machines sold 0 Industry experience 0 Agency country 0 Certifications and Awards January 1, 2014 My Heading 1 I am timeline card content. You can change me anytime. Click here to edit this text. January 1, 2014 January 1, 2015 My Heading 2 I am timeline card content. You can change me anytime. Click here to edit this text. January 1, 2015 Heading #1Heading #2Heading #3 Simple contentSimple contentSimple content